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Free modeling with Rosetta in CASP6.

Type Information
Nr 9 (Research article)
Authors Bradley, Philip; Malmström, Lars; Qian, Bin; Schonbrun, Jack; Chivian, Dylan; Kim, David; Meiler, Jens; Misura, Kira; Baker, David
Title Free modeling with Rosetta in CASP6.
Journal Proteins (2005) Suppl 7 128-34
DOI 10.1002/prot.20729
Citations 199 citations (journal impact: 3.42)
Abstract We describe Rosetta predictions in the Sixth Community-Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction CASP focusing on the free modeling category. Methods developed since CASP5 are described and their application to selected targets is discussed. Highlights include improved performance on larger proteins 100-200 residues and the prediction of a 70 residue alpha-beta protein to near-atomic resolution. Proteins 2005. c 2005 Wiley-Liss Inc.